What if I showed you the way have a way to feel better, have more energy, think clearer, lose weight, get stronger, become more flexible, build better immunity, and increase vitality? If you could, would you do it?
What if I showed you the way have a way to feel better, have more energy, think clearer, lose weight, get stronger, become more flexible, build better immunity, and increase vitality? If you could, would you do it?
Our world is speeding up at an overwhelming place. With more information than ever at our fingertips, our commitments to career, deadlines and family are so pressing that they often seem out of reach. As a culture, we are sitting more than ever — often more than 10 hours per day often glued to a screen or monitor. More people are gaining weight and finding it harder than ever to stay focused. With adrenals drained, the burden of chronic stress we are finding ourselves barely holding on until we ultimately burn out.
Does this sound familiar?
The Reboot Camp workshop is designed for anyone who is ready to POWER DOWN, BE DEVICE AND DIGITAL FREE, RESET your and ignite your system to operate at your highest potential.
You will adopt this specific set of tools as a powerful vehicle to thrive in many aspects of life.
Topics Covered:
Intro V – Big view of health
Food Wisdom – Consume Life
Fitness Philosophy – Train for life
Energy – Get it back
Stress – How to deal
Creativity – Life fuel
Love – Conquer fear
Self Reflection – Powerful Practice
Nature – Connection to what’s real
Balance – The life wheel
Action Plan – Putting it all to work
The SECRET SAUCE is “energy work and movement”.
Many ancient movement art techniques like yoga, tai chi and chi gong have been practiced for a millenia and share one common thread: they create harmony, balance, and vitality within.
We have developed our own movment art system called Aeroga Movement. The practice adopts some of the most effective and powerful fundamentals of these ancient movement art disciplines while combining them with full spectrum functional fitness. The practice is created as a less esoteric dynamic system designed for modern culture and the urban landscape.
From Aeroga you can expect; more energy, sharpened focus, inner balance, increased
productivity and an overall sense of well being